the woods are lovely, dark and deep


Name | Kjat of Miret-Njer
Age | ???
Race | Rava Viera
Height & Build | 6 fulms, 7 ilms; Curvy, full breasts and hips
Gender & Pronouns | Woman; she/her
Orientation | ???
Visible Distinguishing Marks | Heterochromia (gold right, violet left), a cape of dark freckles across breasts and shoulders. Thin silver septum ring.
Occupation | Alchemist, Botanist, Poisoner


Unsettling to behold in the manner of a creature of the Wood, a thing that should not be that watches in the dark.Long-limbed, dressed in black or in deep shades of plum.Mismatched eyes, the right gold, the left violet. Equally wrong.A pair of near ubiquitous, slim black gloves cover her to the wrists.


A child learns they are a curse, and so a curse they will be.They speak little of their past life, if at all. From the lightest to the most probing question, any stabs at curiosity are met with circular conversation or dismissal.


???? There's about her. Maybe she's just hard to read?
The Wood. Like most creatures of the Wood, she cannot forget. Though, when she looks toward her fellow viera, it is with a cold prick of familiarity - not wistfulness. There is a touch of something deep, something strange, on this one.
Pearl Lane. Reclusive and oft unseen, Kjat's reputation is nonetheless that of someone with a skilled hand when it comes to alchemical and botanical needs. The rarer, more obscure, more unknown, the more interested she is in helping a client. There is even a rumor that she's versed in poisons - and in possession of a generous amount of discretion. One would never be rude enough to call her deceptive, would they?
Well Read. Often within arm's reach of a book, typically pocket-sized. If not a bodice ripper, it's something niche and nigh unintelligible to a layman, with cryptic, nondescript binding.


A small apartment in Pearl Lane. The Thanalan desert at night. The workshop of a viera of Yascaret.


Aja of Hyskaris
An old, smothered flame, one who holds her softest words and deepest secrets. Perhaps she's forgotten them?
Kudzu Leaf/Sefka
A fellow creature of the Wood. Comfort found in understanding and familiarity. Dread in the unknowable.
Lofn of Yascaret
Solemn. Soft-hearted. Should she feel guilty?
Tide Wraith
Sharp-toothed. Sharp-tongued. A pleasant surprise. Despite her curiosity, one to show caution before showing her soft underbelly.

out of character

I'm a long-time writer and roleplayer who is EST-based. If you're interested in a scene through a Discord thread or in-game, feel free to contact me.
I shift freely between descriptive, multi-paragraph and shorter posts depending on what works best in the moment, but like the scene to have a good flow and back and forth. I also enjoy well-written headcanon and worldbuilding that expands on the FFXIV world.In general, I'm passionate about writing and love eagerness, excitement, and enthusiasm. I love to talk OOC and about roleplay and headcanons in general, and will likely talk your ear off.Discord > Willing to exchange when we get to know one another better.
In-game > Kjat Miret-njer @ Balmung

Preferred Themes
General horror themes, psychological horror, & body horror • The occult • Adventure • Mature themes • Gray morality • Character development & exploration • Hooks & plotting • Subterfuge • LGBTQ+ • Viera culture and diaspora

Will Not Write
I won't write with minors IC or OOC • Modern themes like cell phones • Permanent character death • Sexual assault • Transphobia or homophobia. I also don't RP with people who describe their characters with transphobic terms • Rushing into plots or character development • IC=/=OOC

Ask About
Short and long-term injuries, permanent marks, and scarring - really anything that is character-changing in the long-term, let's talk about it • I'd love to discuss new or established connections, premade relationships and histories